Motivation and Job Satisfaction

Motivation is a basic psychological process. Increasing motivation, commitment and engagement levels are key organizational aspects, nowadays. This is because of one simple reason – How motivated you are in your job is directly related to your performance and also to the satisfaction that you derive from your job.

While we think about motivation at workplace – The development of compensation policies has an imperative role in persuading workforce to convey large amounts of execution, contribution and commitment. The practice of motivation more often than not begins with somebody observing an unsatisfied need. Then a goal is established to be reached followed by an approach to fulfill that need. Rewards and incentives can be offered to encourage the resources to accomplish the set goals.

Motivation can be intrinsic or extrinsic. Intrinsic motivation is natural or self-generated and it mostly comes into picture to satisfy one’s own, personal needs, or at times for factors in our priority lists, such as opportunities for self-advancement, developing our personal skills, etc. Extrinsic motivation is the amount of effort other people give in to motivate you, such as pay raise or a promotion. Extrinsic motivators are efficient and they work instantly and quite strongly but the influence doesn’t last for long. On the other hand, intrinsic motivators tend to have a long lasting effect as they are inherent and not imposed from the outside.

How does motivation effect job satisfaction?

Job satisfaction is an emotional reaction to the job condition. It is often measured by how well are you able to meet work expectations and to what extent is the extra effort and hard work recognized. It is a vicious circle that helps smooth functioning inside the work place. The absence of job satisfaction can often lead to ignorance, lethargy and reduced work commitment. Low job satisfaction leads to low morale, which causes the employee to work less and concentrate more on the negative aspects of her job, leading to low self-esteem and a general malaise that will unintentionally spread across all her social circles.

The motivation at work such as in the form of economic rewards, social relationships and intrinsic satisfaction club and result in job satisfaction. Any negativity in any of these would result in behavioral and attitudinal consequences. Job satisfaction is the main motivational outcome of behavior. Having said that, there will always be instances when external factors will not be very helpful in building motivation in you, that is the time when you need to look into yourself for all those factors that have brought you where you are today and take yourself forward with all the fervor in you.

As they say, “There is no substitute for hard work.” Taking it forward from here – your hard work will help you achieve your goals which will bring acknowledgement and fame, thus motivating you for a little more hard work!

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Posted in Decision-making, Dream, Job Satisfaction, Leadership, Learning and Development, Life, Motivation, Organization, Positivity, Routine, Social, Team, Workplace

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